Monday, January 12, 2009

Menu Plan Monday January 12

You may notice that I switched my 'week' and moved the weekend to the front of the line. I shop on the weekends and it just makes more sense for our family right now. Maybe when I am not working any more and go back to shopping at the beginning of the week I'll go back to Monday through Sunday again.

Saturday: Spaghetti, green salad
Sunday: Baked chicken drumsticks, rice pilaf, and corn
Monday: Lasagnia and green salad
Tuesday: Shredded pork loin crockpot, twice baked potato and broccoli
Wednesday: Leftover night
Thursday: Turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and green beans
Friday: Tacos

Reality is the days will get shuffled around but as long as Saturday and Monday happen then everything else is good.

Again this week I will make a breakfast bread and a sweet (most likely it will be Magic Bars).

Looking for more menu ideas? Check out I'm an Oranizing Junkie. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Your menu sounds yummy!