Monday, August 11, 2008

Menu Plan Monday August 11

As you can see by the missing menu week we ended up with that emergency trip out of town for 11 days and during that time we had a power outage. :( I checked the freezer and it must not have been out too long as the ice cream in the freezer shows no sign of ever softening but as I check refrigerator items I wondered just how long it was out. DH & I together decided to error on the side of caution and pretty much pitched everything from the fridge that would spoil. Talk about putting another dent in a much dented budget!

Oh BTW, I am actually linking up to MPM on "I'm an Organizing Junkie" this week!!! I had planned on doing this a couple of weeks ago but it took me some time to figure out how to do links and such so I waited and I played and then I went back and fixed some previous weeks so welcome!

Anyway, on to the meal plan for the week! Note that we will have guests here for a few days so I will do my best.

Dinners: (yes, I included Sunday as I wanted it planned since I didn't get a menu done last week)
Sunday - Chicken Cacciatore served over rice with a side salad - Went over well with the company including a picky teenager.
Monday - Lemon & Pepper Hamburgers, pasta salad, & fresh fruit salad ~moved to Tuesday since company ordered a pizza for lunch at 4pm
Tuesday - Grilled Steak, slice & bake seasoned potatoes, & broccoli ~ moved to Friday as we had leftover buffet of pizza, hamburgers, and Chicken Cacciatore
Wednesday - Turkey & gravy with mashed potatoes, salad, & cranberry sauce
Thursday - Grilled Pork chops, rice pilaf, corn, & applesauce ~ messed up and made the Taco Ring here
Friday - Taco Ring ~ became pork chop night
Saturday - Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, & broccoli ~dinner out
Sunday - Freezer buffet

I do want to mention here how I plan to deal with the other meals of the day since I have extra people in town this week and dh may or may not be working the whole day all week.

Breakfast choices:
Hot cereal
Cold cereal
Bagels and cream cheese
eggs & bacon
fresh fruit

Leftover buffet
PB & J
Macaroni and Cheese
Canned soups

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