Sunday, August 17, 2008

Menu Plan Monday August 18th

What's new for this week? I am starting to add recipes for some of the meals. If you need them scaled larger please let me know as I have that done since I enjoy freezer cooking. Also note that I will play with recipes. What that means is if I am short on something or have a bit more I will adjust to make it work for what we will enjoy.

Last week had a few bumps and it caused some problems but it is a new week and a new menu. I will be going shopping today and in an effort to avoid some of the issues from last week I plan on correcting the menu if I am unable to get the needed items. I will not wait and hope to get them later in the week since that didn't work last week.

Here goes:
Monday - Steak, seasoned potato cubes, and broccoli (hold over from last week)
Tuesday - Italian sausage with peppers over spiral pasta, Side salad
Wednesday - Rice bowls (using pork and broccoli)
Thursday - Chicken with wine sauce, side salad
Friday - Leftover night as I'll be busy prepping for Saturday
Saturday - Block party no real cooking just "doing it all, LOL!"
Sunday - Birthday party so no cooking :)

Looking for more menu ideas? Check out I'm an Oranizing Junkie. Have a great week!

1 comment:

B's Mom said...

Just checking on you...haven't seen you in a while. Shoot me an email and let me know you're okay please?